How to Market Your e-Commerce Store Effectively?

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An eCommerce website can be a great way to expand a physical location into a digital space. It’s also a great way to get your storefront up and running without having to invest in a physical space. When it comes to your e-Commerce store, here’s how SOULO can help bring customers to your shop through various marketing efforts.

Some examples of e-Commerce marketing are:

Your Website - It's Very Important

A website is often the first substantial interaction a customer has with a company or brand. Designing a website that embodies the spirit of that brand is imperative to making the customer experience memorable (in a good way, of course). From color choice, typography, and use of images to the flow from page to page, each element should reflect the brand’s personality.

Unique and Branded Content

Each company is unique and their content should reflect that originality. Create content that customers will find useful and want to read. Everything from product descriptions to blog posts should convey the tone of the brand. Tone gives customers a feel for what the brand’s about and whether it resonates with them.

Don't Forget about Mobile

Customers should have a good experience with a website or social media platform regardless of what device they’re using. Making sure the website looks good from every angle is a good way to ensure that customers can find what they’re looking for.

Retargeting Your Customers

This is the process of bringing customers back to your site after a prior visit. Did a customer leave something in their cart? Did they spend a lot of time looking at a few products? A carefully curated email can help bring customers back into the purchase funnel. This could simply be a message with the recently viewed products, or it could include a promo code to incentivize another look. Another option is to offer perks to initiate an email subscription.

SEO is Your Friend!

The best website in the world won’t do any good if potential customers can’t find it. SEO helps sites rise to the top of internet searches so that they can connect with people who are looking for those services.

Creating a Social Storefront and Brand

It’s one thing to advertise products on Instagram and Facebook; it’s another thing to have a storefront for these platforms. A customer might not leave the platform they’re surfing to go to your website, but they might make a purchase if the products are offered on the platform itself.

Generating social media content is a great way to introduce your brand and to engage with your customers. Whether your business is established or your starting a new venture - social media is the perfect way to bring awareness to your brand and to encourage sales.

Highlight Customer Reviews and Photos

A product may look amazing in the website photos, but savvy shoppers want to know if it’s as good looking or effective in real life. Good reviews from happy customers are a great way to give potential customers a second opinion on how the product performs. This can also give a brand, even virtually, a sense of community. 

Lastly - Add a Personal Touch!

Personal touch is what makes a first-time customer into a repeat customer. A business might be doing all the other things right, but a handwritten thank you, a heartfelt story, or other gesture can take it to another level. Customers want to feel as though they have a positive relationship with the brands they patronize. Making your brand more relatable, more human, can strengthen the connection between you and your customers.  

Want to see how eCommerce marketing could transform your company? SOULO offers marketing automation, email marketing, social media marketing, retargeting ads, or even a full-service digital marketing plan tailored to your needs.

SOULO is a full-service marketing and communications agency that helps client partners get the most from their projects through signage, printing, and digital marketing. Ready to get started? Contact us today!


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