The Ideal Soulo Project

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Soulo offers a broad range of creative services, including graphic design, web design, digital marketing, promotional items, large format printing, digital and offset print, and copy and technical writing. We put our hearts into every project, and now and then we’re able to collaborate among our various service lines, and that’s when the work can really sparkle.

For instance, say a company wants to re-brand. It’s an exciting time for them, and us.

Our graphic design team works with the company to create a new logo, something notable, memorable, and meaningful. If the brand is getting a refresh, then the company website probably is, too. It needs to reflect the new look, to match the new design, color, typography of the new logo, and our web design department gets involved. A change like this can be a great hook for a marketing campaign, so we create digital marketing pieces for use on social media, driving potential clients to the business or its website. A short, captivating video can be a great way to gain attention and drive digital traffic.

Then there are the physical aspects of the company’s identity: a new monument sign out by the road, maybe a new sign on the building. There are also internal signs for wayfinding, labeling conference rooms, offices, etc. They might all be up for a refreshed look. Many of our clients use vehicle wraps as part of their branding. That and other large-format graphics are printed and installed. Next comes what we sometimes refer to as the business system: the company letterhead, envelopes, individual employee business cards, and anything else the logo is printed on. How about branded clothing and other materials? Hats, shirts, pens—if the logo is on it, it all gets updated, and Soulo manages it all.

Where we used a digital marketing campaign to inform and connect with current and potential customers during the re-design process, now might be a great time for a direct-mail effort that reaches people in a different way. It could be a mass mailer that uses variable print technology to customize the printed piece for the recipient, or invitations to an open house celebrating the new look and feel of the company. That gets our print and direct mail teams involved, which means almost every person at Soulo has gotten involved.

In all of these cases, the Soulo team works together to create, deliver, and install products that are exactly what our client envisioned. There’s never a “problem with the printer” because our design, prepress, and press operators are all in close contact—and often, close proximity—with each other. If there is an unexpected hiccup, we fix it. It never rises to the attention or concern of our client. All they get are results. The same goes for every area of the company, every project. We don’t always have the chance to get everyone involved, but it’s always special when we do.

SOULO is a full-service marketing and communications agency that helps client partners get the most from their projects through signage, printing, and digital marketing. Ready to get started? Contact us today!


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